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                About Us

                                 Wuhan Gemei Joint Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the national economic development Zone - Wuhan Linkong economic development zone in the beautiful River City. It is a specialized company specializing in the research and development, production, sales and service of automation equipment for the industries of clothing,bags and shoes. The company shoulders the historical mission of "changing traditional industries with high technology", and is committed to providing CAM / CAD integrated solutions for garment,luggage,footwear and other enterprises. Gemei is also a high-tech enterprise and a software enterprise in Hubei Province, an "information port" certification enterprise and an entrepreneurship enterprise for overseas students in Wuhan City.

                          Since its establishment, GM has developed a series of cutting  machines for clothing, bags, shoes and hats, and obtained a number of software copyright and patent certificates. Based on the profound understanding of China¡¯s garment, luggage and footwear industry, GM series of cutting machine combines the essence of Chinese and foreign technologies, closely combines the advantages of the world's advanced technology and Chinese manufacturing industry, adopts a novel design different from the domestic traditional cutting machine, and fully experiences the design principle of "good at core, simple in shape". After the first continuous drum cutter came into being in the middle part of China , we successively developed the sample cutter for the luggage industry and continuous cutting garment sample cutter.

                          "The competition of enterprises is the competition of talents." GM firmly grasps the trend that the world manufacturing industry is transferring to the middle part of the world, and has established a research and development team composed of doctors and senior engineers and other high-quality talents,and insists that "innovation" is the eternal power of the development of Grammy.

                Contact Tel/Fax:027-83566125
                Domestic marketing£º15327282217
                After-sales service:13387528411
                Foreign trade department£º13387534276
                Email£ºDomestic£ºwhgmkj@189.cn  Foreign£ºbay229229@gmail.com
                Addr£ºHuangpi district of wuhan city international airport airport industrial park south road on the south
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