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                           With the explosive growth of the automobile industry, the demand for the comprehensive supporting facilities of automobiles is also rising. Automobile interior decoration involves all aspects of automotive interior decoration and protection. As a downstream sub-industry of automotive industry, automotive interior decoration is also developing rapidly. It gradually presents the characteristics of brand, customization and high-end products in the industry. A good horse fits good saddles. In order to satisfy our customers' growing demand for safety and individuality, intelligent cutting and processing equipment with its precision, fast, efficient, flexiblity, environmental protection and other traditional cutting incomparable advantages quickly occupied the automotive interior processing market. Gemei Cutting Machine can flexibly process automotive interior products such as cushion, seat cover, neck pillow, bolster, brake cover, gear cover, etc. Through flexible and rapid drawing and cutting according to different models of car interior size, the machine can double the efficiency of product processing.

                Contact Tel/Fax:027-83566125
                Domestic marketing£º15327282217
                After-sales service:13387528411
                Foreign trade department£º13387534276
                Email£ºDomestic£ºwhgmkj@189.cn  Foreign£ºbay229229@gmail.com
                Addr£ºHuangpi district of wuhan city international airport airport industrial park south road on the south
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